Monday, September 18, 2006

A Little Hell

In the gym this morning they were playing Jamiroquai (as a brief respite from Nickelback: albeit not brief, and no respite) and in the shower I was musing about Jay Kay's inexplicable global success as he whinged in the background: a multi-millionaire who espouses green issues but owns dozens of cars; whose lyrics are the wrong side of doggerel (“I got candy in my heels tonight, baby” doesn't really withstand any kind of textual analysis); whose records all sound the same; a posturing, style-dodging white boy who steals everyone else’s sound and puts it through a hot wash to produce anaemic cod-funk and who’s been getting away with it for ten (10) years now.

Either he’s thick as mince or we are.

He’s always wearing a risibly oversized hat, though, so no one really knows what he looks like. Genius! He gets to make shite records and walk away incognito to his Lotus Élan.

Set this against the equally inexplicable failure of Maximo Park to make much of an impact (thus far) and you have a real travesty.


LottieP said...

yep - those of us who were listening closely...

Anonymous said...

I like how he's called Jaykay. He probably didn't take into account what Scottish people would think.

I also liked it when the Fast Show had a 'Jazz Club' when they did a song called 'Car Pollution Hypocrisy' in the style of Jamiroquai.

PJ Miller said...

Jakey Kaye is my most detested pop star ever. I know for a fact that it is the kind of music air stewards play to impress air hostesses, because we used to live next door to a flat they used for said purpose.

PJ Miller said...

For some reason this comment didn't get published. I expect Keith did something wrong. Anyway, better late than never:

Keith has left a new comment on your post "A Little Hell":

I like how he's called Jaykay. He probably didn't take into account what Scottish people would think.

I also liked it when the Fast Show had a 'Jazz Club' when they did a song called 'Car Pollution Hypocrisy' in the style of Jamiroquai.

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Posted by Keith to Papercuts Rekindled at 9/23/2006 11:07:43 PM

Keith said...

Thanks for that, Peter. I didn't understand why it didn't work.

PJ Miller said...

Perhaps you weren't "loged in" or something. Everyone should have moderator priveleges, which means they are not privileges (I don't know which spelling( if either) is correct), but you know what I mean.

Keith said...

It's 'logged'