Here are both sides of my fabulous tape, this time housed on a rival filepilfering site. If this doesn't work it might have to become one of those Great Lost Projects because it took bleeding ages to upload, which suggest you might be wise to pour yourself a stiff one while you're waiting for it to do an incy wincy spider down your broadband guttering. I am dispappointed to learn that my new favourite song was used on an advert at some point, so its charms may be lost to those of you of a telly-watching disposition. I assume this happened in the 90s, because I'd certainly never seen it before. I have included tracklisting documents.
Here goes. I hope you derive something other than frustration and annoyance from this. As a special bonus, the URL almost contains the word "jizz". Shoud boost my download count considerably. If that is not enough, Blogger gives me sone examples of labels for this post, in this case "scooters, holidays, autumns". Why not try to write a short stroy of not more than a thousand words incorporating these three elements? You could post your finished story in the comments section, so that I feel more popular than usual. But I digress:
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i'm not very good at stories. i am downloading the songs now though.
Good stuff. (I've just realised I can't even spell "story" right...)
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